The basic reliability design technologies for DC-DC converter are described. They include the control of component device, derating design, simplifying design, redundancy design, EMC design, tolerance analysis, FMECA, confirmation of reliability key item, etc. 阐述了直流-直流变换器可靠性设计的基本技术,包括元器件的控制、降额设计、简化设计、冗余设计、电磁兼容设计、容差分析、故障模式影响与危害性分析、可靠性关键项目的确定等。
In order to ensure stable and reliable for the system operation, the system have a design at component selection and derating used, interference, reliability, and software design. 为了保证系统运行的稳定可靠,系统在元件选择与降额使用,抗干扰性,软件可靠性等方面进行设计。
As the result, the quality of component was redesign by Quality Function Deploy, Design Of Experiment, Quality Loss Function, modularization, derating, raw material definition, process audit. 然后针对不同类型的元件使用质量功能展开、田口试验设计、质量损失函数、模块化、降额使用、定义原料、原料生产制程监控等方法对元件质量进行设计。